This endurance race aims to attract as many everyday motorcycle riders as possible

Its goal is to become the country’s ultimate endurance motorcycle event. Going by the name Army Navy Club200 200/50 Endurance Race, the event claims it’s the first of its kind in the Philippines, an adventure bike endurance relay held on the track, specifically at the Clark International Speedway. 

“It’s going to be an ultimate race, a battle of strategies and stamina among participants,” said Bobby Unson, President of the organizing group Army Navy/Club 200. “This will test the riders’ stamina, strength and skill.”

Each team will be composed of three riders sharing one transponder and riding duties in 50 adrenaline-pumping laps approximately 200 kilometers. Registration began as early as  November last year, with the race proper happening on February 11. 

The early registration was to give participants ample time to prepare and be adept at the competition rules and system which was jointly developed by the race officials of Clark International Speedway and the Pirelli Technical Team. Utmost safety, said Unson, is a paramount consideration. Army Navy Club 200 also hosted a free practice run for registered participants in December. 

Unson said they are planning to exclude competitive racers currently riding in the National Superbike Series to encourage regular everyday riders and weekend enthusiasts to join. “That is the plan so that the regular motorcycle enthusiasts who ride for fun and not competing in any ongoing race series can join,” said Unson. “So we are casting a wide net and expecting a huge array of participants. If you basically love riding and have not raced in a competition in the recent past, this is for you.”

Formed in 1994, Club 200 is a motorcycle riders club composed mostly of former superbike champions preaching fun and safety riding. Asked what safety measures the Army Navy Club200 200/50 Endurance Race are imposing, Unson said The Three Rider Relay was chosen precisely to keep the races safe. 

“Pirelli Tires of Italy helped us in developing rules. Because there is no data for a 20 Lap, 4Km Lap distance, hence the Relay Race so as not to overextend the tires in the absence of data.” Further, since the race is still in its infancy, Unson added that “in the absence of a closed fuel cell as used by other countries, a no refueling had to be imposed so that no excessive engine heat will imperil refueling. The rules are: no rider/bike stint goes over 15 Laps (way under the Pirelli-suggested). No refueling at the pit lane will be allowed.” 

Unson said safety body armor and helmets should be certified and sanctioned by an acceptable certifying body duly conforming with race and global standards. “Also, there will be scrutineering prior to the races and all participants are required to wear a specific rider gear in both races.  Body armor such as knee, shoulders, elbow, back and chest [protectors], including helmet, of course, are required. Trained track marshalls will be at the race track and pit lane.”

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